Conversions & Migrations

The growth of mobile and cloud web based enterprise class applications that integrate with many other systems within a company and some external ones; the constant data flow between these platforms coupled with the 24X7 nature of system availability that customers have come to expect, creates may challenges for IT departments when it comes to keeping current with their underlying software frameworks, databases, languages, infrastructure network and hardware.  Conversions, Migrations and Upgrades are usually viewed as a necessary activity albeit inherently undesirable and as causing unnecessary expense.  However, this change process is inexorable and one that IT departments have learnt is not to be ignored. Technology obsolescence often drives Conversions and Migrations as does software vendor financial viability.  These activities crate a huge temporary load on IT departments that is better dealt with by selecting an experienced partner to assist in these Conversions and Migrations.

PCS leverages its vast experience in enterprise-wide Conversions, Migrations and Upgrades to create a proprietary repository of best practices, proprietary tools, conversion/migration methodology, collaboration tools, project plan templates, data cleansing scripts, the latest market research and case studies. This allows PCS to outperform its competition. Some clients also choose to leverage their offshore development partners while performing conversion/migration projects.  PCS has worked with many offshore vendors over the years and is very familiar with the unique difficulties associated with working across cultures, countries and time zones.

Our methodology and approach is based upon successful past experience converting and migrating many diverse clients from obsolete or older technology to new technology platforms. Some of the Conversions and Migrations we’ve performed are:

  • Sybase to Oracle
  • Sybase to DB2 UDB
  • DB2 UDB to Oracle
  • Oracle to DB2 UDB
  • Sybase to MS SQL Server
  • Ingres to MS SQL Server
  • Client/Server PowerBuilder to Web based n-Tier J2EE
  • Client/Server PowerBuilder to n-Tier .Net Standard
  • ColdFusion to .NET Standard Migration
  • Mainframe COBOL and PL/1 to Web based J2EE or n-Tier .NET Core or Standard
  • Database Technology Evaluations (IBM, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft)
  • Older CORBA, JNI, JCA API, MQSeries, MSMQ etc. to Web Services Architecture (Micro Services and RESTful JSON messaging)
  • Middleware evaluation (nHibernate or Dapper ORMs)
  • Proprietary Tools and Automation of – Data Migration, Embedded SQL Conversion, Stored Procedures Conversion – with up to 60% savings over manual methods
  • Application Conversion Portfolio & Timeline
  • Highly accurate conversion metric model for accurate budgets
  • On budget, on time project delivery